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ITC Parwise - Rental device

Product information "ITC Parwise - Rental device"


PARwise enables you to make the right decisions about your lighting settings, be it brightness, colour (spectrum) or photoperiod.

Perfect growth rates need three things

The right wavelengths, the right light intensity and both for the right time. Light changes with depth and clarity, as do the needs of plants and animals. Unfortunately, the human eye is not very good at understanding lighting conditions and colours. PARwise is an easy-to-use light meter that gives you a deep understanding of your lighting and helps you set it perfectly.

  • PARwise is a unique light meter with the ability to measure the spectrum. It can be used underwater and also has a special mode for measurements in the air. It gives you all the relevant lighting measurements needed to make informed decisions about your light settings and photoperiod.
  • PARwise measures 'PAR' (PPFD - Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density μMol/m2/S, Kelvin (colour temperature), LUX, Spectrum, DLI (Daily Light Integral), Peak Wavelength, Hue (as colour).
  • PARwise uses ITC's proprietary, internally manufactured and designed optical engine, located under a user-replaceable cosine corrector, to uniformly 'read' the spectral content and amount of light hitting it. ITC then determines the results on board in PARwise and sends them to your device via USB for display. The web-based app automatically downloads to your device (Windows, macOS, Android) when you first use it to give you full offline use. Includes a free USB-C adapter for Android smartphones, tablets and modern computers (Mac / PC) that don't have a full-size USB port.  Connects to most things, but unfortunately will not connect to an iOS device.
  • Visit the PARwise website online for the first time in a Google Chrome-based web browser and simply place the sensor next to your photosynthetic organism such as a coral or plant and then take a reading. Use the pause button on the screen to capture the reading in that position, note it down and reference your spectrum with a known spectral response curve or other light settings you want to copy or adjust. Use DLI to adjust your day length up or down to bring the same amount of light energy into the system in 24 hours. You can find examples in the LEARN section on ITC's website.
  • You only need to be online once to download the handy web app into your Chrome-based browser. No app installation or user account required.

More information here:

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Buy a Used Device

Used approximately 10 times and thoroughly inspected after each use.

What languages are available?

The ITC web app currently offers English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese.

Technical specification

  • PAR range: 0-6000 µMol/m2/s
  • Kelvin: 1000-10,000 Kelvin
  • LUX: 2-300000
  • Spektrum: 380-800nm
  • Optical measurement type: Point light source
  • Accepted light sources: Natural light, LED, fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, gas vapour, HID
  • Repeatability of measurement: < 0.5%
  • Calibration uncertainty: +- 5%
  • Directional cosine corrector: Exchangeable
  • Temperature behaviour: Self-compensating
  • Protection class: IP68
  • Dimensions: 85x40x20mm
  • Weight of the unit: 130g
  • Outer packaging dimensions: 24.5x15.5x5.5 cm
  • Weight of the packaging: 215g


Reef ICP Total
Größe: 1er-Set
PROFESSIONAL, FAST, AND PRECISEFauna Marin REEF ICP TOTAL TestMost comprehensive laboratory analysis, over 90 parameters in seawater and reverse osmosis waterFast, affordable, and highly preciseProfessional sample collectionIndividual dosage and action recommendationsFor those who want to know exactlyTo verify your measurements at home The Fauna Marin REEF ICP TOTAL Test is our most comprehensive laboratory test for seawater, encompassing over 90 different measurement and relational values.You will receive a complete overview of macroelements, trace elements, nutrients, and pollutants with corresponding dosage and action recommendations.With every REEF ICP TOTAL Test, you can also have your reverse osmosis water tested for impurities at no cost.We analyze your sample using state-of-the-art Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometers.These devices ensure safe and accurate element analysis. Values analyzed include (complete list see Technical Data):Salinity, pH, KH, Sodium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Sulfate, Calcium, Potassium, Bromine, Strontium, Boron, Fluoride,Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Phosphate, Ortho-Phosphate, Silica,Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Lanthanum, Lithium,Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Mercury, Selenium, Silver, Titanium, Vanadium, Tungsten, Zinc, Tin, Zirconium. Our Reef ICP Total analysis sets contain everything for professional sample collection.Filtering the sample ensures a safe and accurate analysis of nutrients and trace elements, free from interfering suspended matter.How does it work?Register on our laboratory website and create an aquarium to register your sampleOptional: Choose your ICP consultant from the listTake your water sample as described in the instructions and send it to us by mail (possibly with tracking)Once your sample has arrived at our laboratory, you will receive a confirmation emailThe normal processing time for samples in the laboratory is at least 1-2 working daysYou will receive your detailed analysis online on the laboratory website and a PDF summary via emailI have my analysis - what now?In your online account, you will receive comprehensive information, action, and dosage recommendations for your analysisCalculators for various systems will help you find and adjust the right dosageIn our knowledge database, you will find detailed information on each individual elementIf you still have questions, please contact your ICP consultant (if available and provided) orcontact our telephone support (fee-based)IMPORTANT:For shipping, we recommend a tracking option and providing a return address. Make a note of the sample number for any queries.Further shipping information and collection points for non-european countries can be found at

Ecotech Marine Radion® XR15 G5 PRO
Hemispherical Edge IlluminationGeneration 5 includes the most sophisticated lens design available. HEI lenses deliver the light uniformity and color mixing of halide T5 combo without sacrificing the power and efficiency of the LEDs.ComparisonHow impressive is the new HEI lens design? Just compare the previous generations of Radion lenses, which utilized the best optical technologies of the time. Observing the respective PAR distribution of the reflector and TIR lenses, it is immediately apparent that HEI Optics offer a significant improvement from the perspective of providing usable coverage.Quiet Active CoolingThe G5 heat sink has been designed from the ground up to maximize surface area and allow for superior heat dispersion. Multiple channels provide unrestricted airflow. This effective heat management greatly reduces the need for active cooling, which decreases fan and airflow noise.G5 PROFrom Aquaculture to the home aquarium, there is a high likelihood that the coral you know and love has been grown or "colored-up" under a generation of Radion Pros.Powerful. Flexible. Proven.Full Spectrum10 ChannelsRadion Pro's Balanced LED MixProven Halide Spectrum and Previous Pro SpectrumFlexible Spectral OutputMore ColorThe Radion G5 features a whole new LED cluster. The rebalancing of proven colors combined with the addition of warm white and violet takes color rendition for your corals to the next level. The reconfiguration of the clusters compliments the all-new HEI lenses to deliver balanced color mixing better than ever before.More CoverageThe lenses on the G5 deliver more usable light area. This is accomplished by spreading light that would normally create an area of high PAR directly under the LED fixture and redirect it to a significantly wider optimal area of intensity for coral health and growth. This will reduce shadowing in the aquarium as well as increase usable space for coral at all depths.HEI OPTICSHEMISPHERICAL EDGE ILLUMINATIONGeneration 5 includes the most sophisticated lens design available. HEI lenses deliver the light uniformity and color mixing of halide T5 combo without sacrificing the power and efficiency of the LEDs.ComparisonHow impressive is the new HEI lens design? Just compare the previous generations of Radion® lenses, which utilized the best optical technologies of the time. Observing the respective PAR distribution of the reflector and TIR lenses, it is immediately apparent that HEI Optics offer a significant improvement from the perspective of providing usable coverage.QUIET ACTIVE COOLING The G5 heat sink has been designed from the ground up to maximize surface area and allow for superior heat dispersion. Multiple channels provide unrestricted airflow. This effective heat management greatly reduces the need for active cooling, which decreases fan and airflow noise.Pro / BlueG5 ProFrom Aquaculture to the home aquarium, there is a high likelihood that the coral you know and love has been grown or “colored-up” under a generation of Radion Pros.Powerful. Flexible. Proven.Full Spectrum10 ChannelsRadion Pro’s Balanced LED MixProven Halide Spectrum and Previous Pro SpectrumFlexible Spectral OutputG5 BlueThe aquarium light for those who know exactly what they want. The Gen 5 Blue is full-spectrum, but LED selection favors the Blue channels and high output for use with our Corallab AB+ spectrum.Put all of your power into Blue.Full Spectrum10 ChannelsBlue Dominant LED MixProven CoralLab AB+ SpectrumSpectrum selection guarantees simple resultsRadion® XR15 G5 PROPerfect for aquariums 24-30 inches wide and deep. Comprehensive spectrum and performance.DimensionsLength7in.(18cm)Width7in.(18cm)Height1.5in.(3.9cm)Weight3.5lbs.(1587g)Power SpecificationsPower Consumption105WUniversal Input Range100-240VAC, 50/60HzPeak Inrush Current1.3ALEDsColors12Cool White16Royal Blue8Blue2Photo Red3Green4UV(405nm)4UV(415nm)2Violet3Warm White2Lunar LightThis is a LED light source that emits 40% or more of the total radiant power of the 250-800nm range in the 400-480nm range and is intended for coral growth.The lights are intended for aquarium lighting only!

€449.10* €499.00* (10% saved)
Ecotech Marine Radion® XR15 G5 Blue
Die Radion G5 übertrifft alle Erwartungen. Sie macht eigentlich Unmögliches möglich, indem sie cooles Licht zur Inszenierung und zum Wachstum in einem bietet. Und genau das macht die neue Generation LED-Leuchten von EcoTech Marine für alle Zwecke - von der Hobby-Aquaristik bis zur Korallenzucht - so interessant. Sorgen Sie für mehr Farbe, mehr Schimmer und einen weitaus größeren Lichtbereich in Ihrem Aquarium. Mit flüsterleiser Kühltechnik, neuen Features und - endlich - der neuen Steuerung via Smartphone oder Tablet ohne Reeflink. Die G5 bringt deutlich mehr Leistung und Spaß. Ein Quantensprung in der LED Beleuchtung mit Fortschritten, die man nicht glaubt. Außer man sieht es. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst!Beeindruckende PAR-Verteilung - mit kleinerem Hot-SpotGrößere Ausleuchtung - faszinierende Lichtspiele bis zum GrundVergrößertes LED-Cluster mit neuesten HEI-Linsen und intensiverer FarbwiedergabeMondlicht und wahlweise verstärktes BlauspektrumKomplett neu entwickelte Kühlung - jetzt noch leiserSteuerung mit der Mobius-AppVerbesserte Lichtleistung, einzigartige hemisphärische RandbeleuchtungGeht es noch besser als die G4? Es geht! Ausgestattet mit dem raffiniertesten HEI-Optiken am Markt, besticht die Radion G5 mit nochmals verbesserter Lichtverteilung und Farbmischung. Das Licht, das normalerweise direkt unter der LED-Leuchte einen Bereich mit unnötig hohen PAR-Werten (Hotspot) im Aquarium erzeugt, wird durch die neuen HEI-Linsen in der Radion G5 noch mehr gestreut und auf eine bedeutend breitere Fläche umgeleitet. Eine beeindruckende allgemeinen Steigerung (um 35 %) sowie verbesserter Lichtleistung bis zu den Rändern. Für Ihr Riffaquarium bedeutet das einen um 30% geringeren Hotspot-Effekt. Dafür können nun Korallen an weitaus mehr Stellen und in allen möglichen Tiefen wachsen. Besser und schöner als je zuvor.Mehr Farbe, mehr Spaß, mehr Lichtleistung!Für die Radion G5 wurde nicht nur das Design der HEI-Linsend revolutioniert. Die LED-Leuchte enthält gleich ein völlig neues LED-Cluster. Das Aquaristik-Team von EcoTech Marine setzte auf die Neuverteilung bewährter Farben in Kombination mit warmem Weiß und Violett. Die neue Konfiguration der Cluster ergänzt das neue HEI-Optikdesign optimal und sorgt für eine ausgewogenere Farbmischung. Mehr als es je möglich war. Genießen Sie unendlich faszinierende Lichtspiele bis zum Grund. Ab sofort präsentieren sich Ihre Korallen und Anemonen in allen Tiefen, selbst an schwierigen Riffecken so farbig und vielfältig wie nie.Die kühle, schlanke LED-Revolution über dem BeckenWährend fluoreszierende Tentakeln ihr Lichterspiel entfalten, läuft die stärkste Radion aller Zeiten leise und kühl im Hintergund. Das kommt nicht von ungefähr, denn EcoTech Marine setzt einen komplett neu entwickelten Kühlkörper und Lüfter mit effektivem Wärmemanagement ein. Das Ergebnis: hervorragende Wärmeableitung und noch weniger Geräuscheentwicklung als zuvor. Die G5 bedeutet Leistung ohne Kompromisse. So werden Sie, trotz deutlich höherer Leistung, kaum etwas von Ihrer LED-Beleuchtung hören. Ob einzeln oder zusammen im Multi-Light RMS-System, am Beckenrand oder freischwebend über Ihrem Aquarium, wählen Sie gleich die passende Radion G5 Befestigung aus!Mobius App - So einfach gelingt spektakuläre Lichtsteuerung im AquariumMit der App von EcoTech Marine wird Aquarienbeleuchtung zum Spaß. Vergessen Sie Controller oder Reeflink, ab sofort übernehmen Sie! Mehr Farbe, mehr Leistung - diese Vielfalt steuern Sie jetzt auf Ihrem Smartphone oder Tablet. Dazu laden Sie einfach die kostenlose App herunter, starten Ihr Gerät - fertig. Verwenden Sie eines von vielen bewährten Beleuchtungsprogrammen unserer Experten oder programmieren Sie Ihr eigenes Lichtkonzept. Wieviel, das entscheiden Sie! Bestimmen Sie den Lauf der Sonne und mehr. Sogar ein Akklimatisierungsprogramm für neue Bewohner ist dabei. Gut zu wissen für Experten: Mondlicht ist jetzt über zwei LEDs individuell steuerbar! Kurz: Mit der App sorgen Sie für naturnahe Verhältnisse und immer neue, faszinierende Einblicke.Die G5 ist die vielfältigste Radion aller ZeitenWas Sie auch vorhaben, die Radion G5 rückt große und kleine Aquarien ins beste Licht. Tag und Nacht. Daher ist die einzigartige LED-Leuchte bei Hobby-Aquarianern und Züchtern gleichermaßen beliebt. Die G5 kommt in zwei Varianten, Pro und Blue. Wählen Sie "Ihre" Radion G5 Pro für bewährtes, umfassendes Vollspektrum. Oder die G5 Blue für mehr Blau und mehr Output im bekannten CoralLab AB+ Spektrum. So oder so, Ihre schönsten Korallen und Anemonen haben die prächtigen Farben sicher unter einer Radion entwickelt, denn sie wurden mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit unter einer von ihnen gezüchtet. Pro oder Blue, Ihre Radion erhalten Sie in zwei Größen. Für noch angenehmere Lichtstreuung bei nur minimaler Reduzierung des PAR, nutzen Sie doch gleich den passenden Radion Diffusor!  ProduktinformationenAbmessungen (L/W/H)18 cm /18 cm /3,9 cmGewicht1.587 gVerbrauch100 WLeistungsaufnahme100-240 V - 50/60 HzEinschaltstrom max.1.3 A

€449.10* €499.00* (10% saved)
Ecotech Marine Radion® XR30 G5 BLUE
Hemispherical Edge Illumination Generation 5 includes the most sophisticated lens design available. HEI lenses deliver the light uniformity and color mixing of halide T5 combo without sacrificing the power and efficiency of the LEDs. Comparison How impressive is the new HEI lens design? Just compare the previous generations of Radion lenses, which utilized the best optical technologies of the time. Observing the respective PAR distribution of the reflector and TIR lenses, it is immediately apparent that HEI Optics offer a significant improvement from the perspective of providing usable coverage. Quiet Active Cooling The G5 heat sink has been designed from the ground up to maximize surface area and allow for superior heat dispersion. Multiple channels provide unrestricted airflow. This effective heat management greatly reduces the need for active cooling, which decreases fan and airflow noise. G5 PRO From Aquaculture to the home aquarium, there is a high likelihood that the coral you know and love has been grown or "colored-up" under a generation of Radion Pros. Powerful. Flexible. Proven.Full Spectrum10 ChannelsRadion Pro's Balanced LED MixProven Halide Spectrum and Previous Pro SpectrumFlexible Spectral Output More Color The Radion G5 features a whole new LED cluster. The rebalancing of proven colors combined with the addition of warm white and violet takes color rendition for your corals to the next level. The reconfiguration of the clusters compliments the all-new HEI lenses to deliver balanced color mixing better than ever before. More Coverage The lenses on the G5 deliver more usable light area. This is accomplished by spreading light that would normally create an area of high PAR directly under the LED fixture and redirect it to a significantly wider optimal area of intensity for coral health and growth. This will reduce shadowing in the aquarium as well as increase usable space for coral at all depths. HEI OPTICS HEMISPHERICAL EDGE ILLUMINATION Generation 5 includes the most sophisticated lens design available. HEI lenses deliver the light uniformity and color mixing of halide T5 combo without sacrificing the power and efficiency of the LEDs. Comparison How impressive is the new HEI lens design? Just compare the previous generations of Radion® lenses, which utilized the best optical technologies of the time. Observing the respective PAR distribution of the reflector and TIR lenses, it is immediately apparent that HEI Optics offer a significant improvement from the perspective of providing usable coverage. QUIET ACTIVE COOLING  The G5 heat sink has been designed from the ground up to maximize surface area and allow for superior heat dispersion. Multiple channels provide unrestricted airflow. This effective heat management greatly reduces the need for active cooling, which decreases fan and airflow noise. Pro / Blue G5 Pro From Aquaculture to the home aquarium, there is a high likelihood that the coral you know and love has been grown or “colored-up” under a generation of Radion Pros. Powerful. Flexible. Proven. Full Spectrum10 ChannelsRadion Pro’s Balanced LED MixProven Halide Spectrum and Previous Pro SpectrumFlexible Spectral Output G5 Blue The aquarium light for those who know exactly what they want. The Gen 5 Blue is full-spectrum, but LED selection favors the Blue channels and high output for use with our Corallab AB+ spectrum. Put all of your power into Blue. Full Spectrum10 ChannelsBlue Dominant LED MixProven CoralLab AB+ SpectrumSpectrum selection guarantees simple results Radion® XR30 G5 BLUE Full spectrum with LED selection favoring blue channels. Put all of your power into Blue. DimensionsLength11.8in.(30cm)Width7in.(18cm)Height1.5in.(3.9cm)Weight4.5lbs.(2041g) Power SpecificationsPower Consumption205WUniversal Input Range100-240VAC, 50/60HzPeak Inrush Current4.0A LEDsColors6Cool White40Royal Blue24Blue2Photo Red4Lime4UV(405nm)4UV(415nm)6 - Violet10Cyan2Lunar Light This is a LED light source that emits 40% or more of the total radiant power of the 250-800nm range in the 400-480nm range and is intended for coral growth. The lights are intended for aquarium lighting only!

€899.10* €999.00* (10% saved)